Knights of the Old Republic II Episode 54: Nar Shaddaa Part 9

It’s time for Episode 54 of Games Revisited Season 05. We’re continuing our play-through of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and today we get back to questing, especially now that we have the gear to do what we need.

Watch live if you want to see the next 6-episode run as it’s recorded. :smiley:

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  • Following on Twtich, and even watching when you have time! I have my streaming schedule posted there, and I sometimes do random extras - so if you follow you’ll get notified when I go live.
  • Subscribing on YouTube, and even watching there from time to time. I’ll post all my Live Stream replays there, as well as episodes and various other bits.
  • Support through Stream Labs - this is pretty much running out of my back pocket. If you’re enjoying the content, consider helping out with some of the costs by donating/tipping on my Stream Labs page.


